Manton Middle School’s main entrance faces US 131 and is located near the flagpole. Students in grades 5-8 attend classes with teachers working in teams to provide a rigorous curriculum. We feel it is important to work together as a team with parents/guardians to provide a positive learning experience for our students.
Manton Middle School continues to be proud of our academic achievement. Our staff works hard to make sure the curriculum, instruction, and assessment align with the standards by using research-based best practices and making sure the Grade Level Content Expectations are taught. All content classrooms have either Smart Boards or LCD Projectors. All students have access to Chromebooks for daily use. Experiences outside of school are also essential components of our middle school. Our 5th grade does an overnight team building trip to a camp Hayo-Went-Ha, our 6th graders go to Camp Rotary for a week, and our 8th grade travels to Detroit. The staff at Manton Middle School continues to be committed to our vision of “Whatever it takes, Manton students are worth it.”
Extracurricular activities are important for the middle school age student. For our seventh and eighth graders we offer volleyball, football and cross-country in the fall. During the winter months boys’ and girls’ basketball will be offered along with wrestling. In the spring, track and field will be available. A variety of opportunities are also provided for our fifth and sixth graders such as volleyball, wrestling, and basketball. Other after school activities that are offered are Student Council, Robotics, and disc golf. Students are expected to meet our eligibility requirements in order to participate in these sports and activities.
We are committed as a staff to provide a safe environment where all students have the opportunity to become thoughtful, productive, contributing members of society.
Success is a team effort and we believe the team consists of students, parents, teachers and staff.
Please contact me at any time with questions, concerns, or suggestions.
Ryan Hiller
Manton Middle School Principal